Ontologies of actual states and ontologies of intrasystem two-particle interactions in open systems

Open systems (natural, social, anthropogenic, cyber-physic, and technical ones) are initially given in actual states by their empirical descriptions, obtained from huge amount of retrospective multimodal heterogeneous empirical data. At the level of fact, the empirical descriptions contain hundreds and thousands of indicators and represent such systems at their natural scales and real complexity. Furthermore, at the level of sense, open systems are represented in eigen qualities, in ideals of states of these eigen qualities, and in reconstructions of actual states – all of them are reliable and scientifically understood, are «internalized» by fact and rationally explain it, and collectively constitute knowledge about systems’ ontology, knowledge whose fullness and completeness are investigated and proven. At the level of ontological knowledge, the system’s reconstructions are obtained «in parts» (in eigen qualities). And, to build reconstruction of system’s states as a whole, such system reconstructions «in parts» need to be complemented by models of two-particle, three-particle, and multi-particle interactions between eigen system qualities. Ontologies of all kinds of doublets (models of two-particle interactions named SIM, SWI, MIX, SEP, ABS, DIV) are obtained and investigated in this paper. Each such kind of model possesses discovered types and forms. And, for them, such states are revealed whose attributes of orientation, deformation, and charge level are agreed upon values. These doublets states of the level of ontological knowledge have at the level of fact their analogues represented by states of physical science objects exhibiting effects of deformation field as well as electric and magnetic fields that cause «multispecies» variability of open systems.

Authors: T. L. Kachanova, B. F. Fomin

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: physics of open systems, cognition of systems ontology, eigen qualities of system, reconstructions of systems' actual states, intrasystem interactions

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