Synthesis of distributes oil field development control system

Discusses the synthesis of a distributed oil field development control system. The article indicates the significance of the modeling object at the moment, highlights the main parameters of the simulated object, then compiles a mathematical model of the system, which is then implemented programmatically, as well as analyzes the control object and synthesizes the control system with a distributed high-precision regulator. To solve the problems set in the work, methods of mathematical and computer modeling, methods of analyzing and synthesizing systems with distributed parameters, the foundations of the theory of building algorithms and programs were used. This work based on the report work on the graduation paper [1].

Authors: S. E. Abramkin, I. M. Novozhilov, T. V. Kukharova, A. V. Plotnikov, A. V. Shishkina

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: control system synthesis, distributed high-precision regulator

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