Methodology for ensuring information exchange of correspondents whose location is non-stationary, and the movement is accompanied by disconnecting correspondents from the network

A method is proposed for ensuring information exchange of correspondents whose location is not stationary, and the movement is accompanied by disconnecting correspondents from the public communication network. The developed technique allows to reduce the time and increase the likelihood of the correspondent receiving data blocks intended for transmission in information directions during his absence when moving to the next place of connection to the communication network. The essence of the technique is to place traffic intended for the correspondent during its movement as close as possible to the place of its possible connection to the network: at nodes along the route (in accordance with the predicted time of passage of the sections) and at nodes / node in the area of its predicted connection. During the movement, routing is carried out on the basis of the temporary routing address table of the moving correspondent entered in the methodology, and they receive the necessary data at the place of the next connection by routing them from the most profitable nodes, determined on the basis of an additional correspondent routing address table that systematizes information about the stored on the nodes of composite data channels. An increase in the likelihood and decrease in the time the correspondent receives the stored information exchange data generated during his absence from the network at the place of the new connection is ensured by duplicating data blocks at the nodes in the correspondent's lane and their final localization at the node / nodes in the area of his next connection.

Authors: S. A. Ivanov

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: timeliness, sustainability, information exchange, data transmission, mobile correspondents, routing, routing address table

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