The problem of automatic generation of tests for comparison of algorithms for optimization of information systems' decision tables is considered. An analysis of existing approaches to comparing heuristic algorithms for solving NP-complete optimization problems is given. Metainformation parameters for pseudo-random generation of reference matched information systems with multivalued attributes are proposed. The notion of multi-valued multi-output cubes is used to define information systems. Operations on multi-valued multi-output cubes that are used in the algorithm of pseudorandom generation of the reference decision table are defined. The algorithm for pseudorandom generation of decision tables of reference information systems is presented. The question of using decision tables of reference information systems to obtain different instances of information system decision tables is considered. Research problems that can be solved with the help of a pseudorandom generator of reference information systems are discussed.
Authors: P. I. Vaskin, O. Yu. Glukhikh
Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control
Keywords: Information systems, decision tables, automatic test generation, reference information systems, matched information systems, multi-valued attributes, multi-valued multi-output cubes, combinatorial optimization problems
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