Features of cooling systems and possibilities of increased heat transfer efficiency in stator windings of indirect-cooled turbogenerator

We analyze the technical level and specific features of cooling systems of medium- and high- capacity turbogenerators produced by the main manufacturers of power equipment. The analysis is carried out based on conference materials, intellectual property items, as well as scientific and technical literature. The main directions for improving the technical level of the studied systems are outlined. The review covered the Russian Federation, the USA, Japan, China, and European countries. According to the results obtained, the data on the technical level of the cooling systems of turbogenerators applied in Russia and other countries is generalized with respect to their capacity. The current technological level is assessed, and the main directions for its improvement are outlined.

Authors: E. R. Mannanov, A. V. Konovalov, А. M. Kostelov, A. G. Filin

Direction: Physics

Keywords: cooling system, electrical insulating material, turbogenerator, Power Machines

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