A brief historical overview of the stages of creation and development of electric machines

In order to deeply understand the patterns of development of any branch of knowledge, it is necessary to know its history. This article provides an overview of technical information related to the creation of electric machines. The review is based on the analysis of specialized literature sources and includes: prerequisites for the appearance of electromechanical energy converters – electric machines, the discovery of the principles of operation of electric machines, the development of DC electric generators, the development of DC electric motors, the development of AC electric machines, as well as the stages of development of theoretical research in the field of electromechanics. The information contained in the article will be useful for expanding the horizons of students studying in the direction of «Electric Power and Electrical Engineering», as well as for all persons showing at least some interest in electrical engineering. The history of the development of electric machines, which is considered in this article, is very instructive and deserves a lot of attention.

Authors: K. A. Kolupitsky, D. V. Samokhvalov

Direction: Electrical Engineering

Keywords: electric machine, electric generator, electric motor

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