Characteristics of the fragment of control and defect elimination made during implementation of the technological process
This article considers a fragment of the technological process related to multi-stage monitoring of the production results (check, diagnostics, and elimination of the identified product defects). A general control algorithm is presented. This algorithm includes preliminary control at the workplace and diagnostic controls at the site and workshop level, with subsequent elimination of the defects identified. An atypical elementary operation with three outputs was identified. All possible paths were analyzed followed by obtaining of analytical dependencies for probabilistic and time estimates, as well as for estimates of the number of operations, stereotypicality, and logical complexity. A method for reducing the algorithm to an enlarged work operation, whose characteristics adequately reflect the operational peculiarities of the algorithm (technological process – control and elimination of defects), is proposed. The obtained estimates can be used to solve a number of specific problems related to improving the algorithm (reducing the likelihood of defects in the resulting product, changing the structure (structural optimization) of the algorithm, etc.). The implementation of an approach based on identifying paths in the algorithm, assessing their characteristics, and calculating the characteristics of the entire algorithm confirmed the validity of the proposed approach. The results obtained can be used as a methodological and mathematical basis for creating various decision support tools in the design and development of human-machine systems for various purposes.
Authors: M. A. M. Amran, P. I. Paderno
Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control
Keywords: technological process, defect, error, control, elimination, probability, activity algorithm, stereotypicality, logical complexity, number of operations
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