Analytical calculation of the magnetic permeability of a magnetic particle suspension in a non-magnetic liquid

The issues of the hyperthermia method is primarily associated with attempts to concentrate the electromagnetic field, which has a heating effect, in the area of influence using an introduced suspension of magnetic nanoparticles. These particles are concentrated using a magnetic field in the desired area and then heated by an alternating electromagnetic field, thereby heating the body tissue to provide a therapeutic effect. To determine the heating temperature and its connection with the parameters of the acting electromagnetic field, it is necessary to know the electromagnetic parameters of the heated medium, namely the body tissues and the introduced suspension of magnetic particles. First of all, it is necessary to determine such suspension parameters as effective magnetic permeability and effective conductivity. This work is devoted to the analytical solution of the problem of determining the effective magnetic permeability of a suspension of magnetic particles in a liquid.

Authors: V. D. Goncharov, E. G. Evdakova, D. V. Korolyov, R. V. Yashkardin

Direction: Electrical Engineering

Keywords: hyperthermia, magnetic particles, effective magnetic permeability

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