No. 3 Vol. 17, 2024

Issue content information about authors

Pages Direction Article title Authors
5-11 Physics Synthesis of polarizing beamsplitters for the far infrared spectral range E. N. Kotlikov, V. M. Andreev, Yu. A. Novikova, G. V. Tereshchenko
12-20 Physics Prospects for ultrasonic signal resolution R. V. Simonov, V. A. Pakhotin, I. V. Lieberman
21-35 Physics Analysis of technical level developments of polymeric materials with high thermal conductivity to assess the possibility of using turbogenerator windings in insulation systems E. R. Mannanov, A. M. Kostelov, A. I. Tajibaev, A. M. Andreev
36-43 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Analysis of aerial photography data using GIS N. I. Kurakina, R. A. Myshko, P. T. Prokhozhaev, K. D. Dmitrienko
44-55 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control The use of dynamic digital twins in the cyber-physical systems design V. Ya. Ananeva, A. I. Vodyaho, N. A. Zhukova, M. A. Chervoncev
56-66 Electrical Engineering Improving the adequacy of models of electromechanotronic systems A. G. Vorontsov, M. V. Pronin, V. V. Glushakov, A. P. Soloviev, G. G. Rozbitskiy
67-74 Electrical Engineering The mathematical models of exchange processes for identification and control of electromechanical objects A. Yu. Omelchenko
75-82 Electrical Engineering Analytical calculation of the magnetic permeability of a magnetic particle suspension in a non-magnetic liquid V. D. Goncharov, E. G. Evdakova, D. V. Korolyov, R. V. Yashkardin
83-98 Electrical Engineering Improving the efficiency and continuity of the power distribution system based on phasor measurement units Ya. E. Shklyarskiy, N. E. Shaykhlislamov