Method for implementing a wireless resistive temperature control sensor
Technological equipment is often provided with external wired sensors characterized by low noise immunity in the case of a significant length of the connecting cable. To ensure the possibility of monitoring the temperature of objects located at a considerable distance from the technological installation, it is necessary to use wireless sensors that allow transmitting a signal over a radio channel for tens of meters. The paper proposes a method for replacing a wired resistive temperature sensor with a wireless one, which does not require changing the circuits of the technological installation. The temperature of the remote object is controlled using a thermistor based on the voltage incident on it using a sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter. The received digital code is transmitted over the radio channel to the receiving part of the device located near the technological installation. Further, using the emulation circuit on the connector of the technological installation, a resistance equivalent to the resistance of the measuring thermistor is provided. To solve this problem, a digital potentiometer controlled by a microcontroller is used. The error of setting the equivalent resistance for the Pt-100 platinum sensor using the developed method does not exceed 1.3 % for the temperature range –40...100 °C.
Authors: A. A. Uhov, D. K. Kostrin, V. A. Gerasimov, L. M. Selivanov, V. A. Simon
Direction: Physics
Keywords: temperature control, platinum resistor, resistance emulation, digital potentiometer, wireless sensor
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