Research of different approaches to control of two-mass objects

The reasons for elastic oscillations occurring in the mechanisms of multi-mass objects are considered. Various control systems for complex two-mass objects are analyzed. A mathematical description of a two-mass system interconnected through an elastic drive belt is provided. According to the given system of equations, a block diagram of the object under consideration has been constructed in the mathematical environment of MatLab and Simulink. The synthesis and comparative analysis is conducted for the following control systems for a two-mass object: slave control with external feedback on the speed of the first mass; multiloop slave regulation; modal control; subordinate regulation using a correction factor and a neurocontroller with a reference model. The resulting graphs of transient processes in terms of moment and speed of the driven pulley of the considered two-mass system with an elastic replacement belt are presented and analyzed. The simulation results have shown that control systems with a modal controller and a neurocontroller show good results in the problem of damping elastic vibrations of a two-mass system in comparison with other considered control systems.

Authors: M. P. Belov, N. S. Blagodarny, O. A. Kundyukov, K. K. Ershov, A. A. Naumov

Direction: Electrical Engineering

Keywords: two-mass system, elastic drive belt, elastic vibrations, slave regulation, modal regulator, neuroregulator

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