Questions of motion control and technical means control of autonomous ships

This article presents the categories of autonomous vessels in accordance with the classification of the Shipbuilding Register, identifies options for installing motion and maneuvering controls that can be used on autonomous vessels, defines the composition of the main automatic control and maneuvering systems of autonomous vessels, suggests the composition of the necessary navigation systems and sensors for automating the movement and maneuvering of an autonomous vessel, discusses general issues automation of autonomous vessels, an analysis of the works of foreign authors on this issue is presented, the structure of automatic motion control and maneuvering systems of an autonomous vessel is proposed, the structures of automatic control systems of technical means and the general control and dispatching system, the communication system of an autonomous vessel with a coastal control post are considered, the composition of the tasks of automation of technical means and automation of an autonomous vessel is determined.

Authors: V. M. Ambrosovsky, A. D. Gruwerman

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: vessel motion control, autonomous vessels, unmanned vessels, control of technical means, on-board system, dynamic positioning

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