No. 4 Vol. 16, 2023

Issue content information about authors

Pages Direction Article title Authors
5-15 Physics Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle for searching, detecting and destroying mines A. V. Vagin, А. S. Vorotyntseva
16-29 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control GIS for assessing the impact of road transport on noise pollution in urban territories N. I. Kurakina, R. A. Myshko, A. A. Turygina
30-45 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control The effectiveness of the SVM method in the task of determining profitable organizations A. D. Cheremuhin, A. A. Shamin, M. O. Kolbanev, V. V. Tsehanovsky
46-53 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Analysis of GCC compiler vectorizing option sets for H.264 video compression algorithms implemented on the MIPS SIMD architecture D. V. Bogaevskiy, S. N. Ezhov, D. I. Kaplun
54-60 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control A formal linguistics model of sememetic structure of information P. N. Afonin, N. S. Jasnova, P. A. Faleev
61-71 Electrical Engineering Uninterrupted electricity supply to loads and other advantages of asynchronized electromashine insert into an Energy System A. G. Vorontsov
72-77 Electrical Engineering Specification of the development of a program for transmitting information to users and technical systems N. A. Smirnov
78-88 Electrical Engineering Application of a generalized graphical-analytical model in building a semi-Markov model of the monitoring and control subsystem of the subway power supply system A. V. Davydova, A. K. Kanaev