Applying process mining to process management

Deals with the intellectual analysis of processes (Process Mining), which has recently gained popularity in various organizations. It is based on the construction of business process models in a specific area (for example, in the field of project management) based on event logs, providing a more accurate understanding of the actions occurring in business processes for the purpose of their subsequent analysis and improvement. The article defines process mining, event logs, lists the main tasks, algorithms and view models. The authors propose a methodology that can be used in the application of process analysis in the field of project management. The authors also highlight the main business processes in project management, for which it is advisable to build models and analyze them.

Authors: A. A. Vasiliev, A. V. Goryachev

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: process mining, process discovery, event logs, project management, project processes, business process management

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