Filtering social media posts to identify signs of emergencies by region

Social networks have long been used not only for entertainment, but also for informative purposes, in particular, there are many examples of communities dedicated to informing about emergencies (for example, traffic accidents) or discussing various kinds of emergency situations in a single city or region. The article describes an approach to processing messages from social networks to identify various kinds of emergencies and determine the number of people in need of help. It is proposed to search and filter messages by keywords and user-specified labels. The result of the work of the program that implements the proposed approach is presented, which allows processing large data sets and obtaining an output file that clearly displays the required types of assistance and its volume. The results can be used in any area of life support and to respond to emergency situations.

Authors: Ya. A. Bekeneva, I. A. Baydurov

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: social networks, messages, message attributes, filtering, keywords, tags, emergencies

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