About methods of remote control of the heat transfer surface of aerial coolers

To ensure uninterrupted and energy-efficient gas supply, consumers need to maintain a given temperature for pumping. The main unit for lowering the temperature at compressor stations are aerial coolers. Most cooling units, despite their simple design, today have a low-level digitalization and automation. Long service life (more than 20 years), as well as predominantly imported production in modern Russia, requires the introduction of new methods and methodologies of control for specified purposes. As a result of scientific research, the existing gas cooling system was studied, the processes of aging and ensuring the reliability of cooling units were analyzed, and a method was developed for remote monitoring of the technical condition of aerial coolers in terms of their heat transfer capacity. Based on the studied data on the values of thermal resistance after many years in operation are proposed measures for assessing their technical condition.

Authors: D. V. Gilmutdinov, I. M. Islamov, E. S. Ivanov, A. V. Kolchin

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: remote equipment control, technical condition, digitalization, aerial cooler, heat transfer surface, finned tubes

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