No. 5/6 Vol. 15, 2022

Issue content information about authors

Pages Direction Article title Authors
5-14 Physics Theoretical and experimental substantiation of the principles of construction of bottom survey sonars A. V. Vagin, А. S. Vorotynceva
15-21 Physics Substantiation of thermal engineering reliability of VVER-1200 with mixing grids installed in fuel assemblies I. A. Lazareva, I. L. Paramonova
22-31 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Actor model of building neuro-fuzzy systems S. M. Morozov, M. S. Kupriyanov
32-40 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Machine learning-based detection of Denial-of-Sleep attacks in wireless sensor networks V. A. Desnitsky
41-50 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Algorithm for uniform coverage of the monitoring territory by unmanned aerial vehicles E. A. Buzina, S. S. Chuprov, N. O. Tursukov, P. Yu. Belyaev, I. I. Viksnin
51-56 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Designing a reinforcement scheme for a structure made of composite materials during bending deformation V. A. Polyakov
57-70 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Analysis of professional suitability and assessment of costs for adaptation to professional requirements E. A. Burkov, N. V. Lysenko, P. I. Paderno
71-79 Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control Recognition of the speech signal of the Mongolian language by syllables B. Zandan, Т. Galbaatar, О. Bukhtsooj, A. G. Chensky
80-90 Electrical Engineering Steel losses analysis in of a BLDC motor using linear approximation of voltage pulses F. S. Al Mahturi, D. V. Samokhvalov
91-97 Electrical Engineering Research and optimization of starting modes of the voltage inverter A. A. Telnov