A set of issues related to the comparison and selection of training technologies aimed at improving a certain characteristic is considered. The analysis of possible cases of resource expenditure depending on the time of training, the number of students, etc. A certain criterion for comparative evaluation of technologies is proposed, which relates resource consumption to the intensity of changes in the values of the characteristic when using a specific training technology. Two types of problems for choosing learning technologies are considered: for the case when a characteristic value is set that must be achieved without time constraints and with time constraints. The problems of choosing training technologies for these types of problems are solved in order to minimize resource consumption for cases of exponential or hyperbolic (General form) law of characteristic change. A set of relations (analytical dependencies) is obtained that allow choosing the optimal technologies for both one technology and two sequentially executed technologies. The research package and the developed methodology (approach) are the methodological basis for solving a wide class of problems of optimizing the learning process. These analytical dependencies can be used as the basis for developing a set of software and information tools that implement information and procedural support for the choice of educational technologies that ensure minimal resource consumption when solving problems of improving characteristics in specific conditions (restrictions). At the same time, the process of searching for optimal training technologies can be quite simply algorithmized. The results obtained are an important step in developing a system of intellectual support for solving optimal problems related to the choice of necessary training technologies, depending on the individual characteristics of the student and the formulated training tasks.

Authors: I. S. Nikiforov, P. J. Paderno

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: Educational technology, intensivities, resources, criteria, objectives, constraints, analytical expressions, the optimal choice

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