This article builds a mathematical model for an exoskeleton electric drive system with elastic bonds using the op-timal quadratic control (LQR) method. Unlike traditional hard drives, important features of an elastic drive are: stability control, lower output impedance, impact resistance and better energy storage. Based on a mathematical model of an electric drive with elastic connections of an exoskeleton knee joint, a LQR control method is pro-posed in order to provide the human leg moment with a given moment value. The exoskeleton is designed to support people with disabilities. The exoskeleton electric drive system is a complex system requiring high accu-racy to ensure the disabled have a stable movement. The complexity of such systems lies in the elasticity of me-chanical bonds, due to which self-oscillation occurs in the transition process of the system, which ultimately leads to complete instability of the operation of exoskeleton electric drives. The modern approach to solving complex problems is the optimal quadratic control. The use of a stable and efficient LQR management method is warranted. The results of the study are confirmed by modeling in the environment of Matlab & Simulink.

Authors: M. P. Belov, D. D. Truong

Direction: Electrical Engineering

Keywords: Exoskeleton, electric drive, optimal quadratic control, optimal controller, elastic transmission, elastic coupling, LQR

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