In this article the informational support problem of the professional trajectory selection by a future professional is formulated. The case of professional’s incomplete match with the requirements of the chosen specialty is con-sidered, which causes him to improve certain personal characteristics. The purpose of the work is to study the re-lationship between a change in personal characteristics and resources used. Based on the analysis of publica-tions, the personal characteristic list has been determined that influence the choice of a professional trajectory: knowledge, abilities, and skills; professional competences; personal characteristics, including personal re-sources. The success of the informational support implementation largely depends on the change model of the professional’s characteristics related with personal resources usage. The analysis of personal resources types and groups is done. The set of mathematical models which are invariant to the personal characteristics types is constructed. The models take into account the type of the nervous system and the professional’s features (abili-ties and capabilities) and reflect the relation of the professional’s characteristics improvement and personal re-sources used. The analytical expressions are obtained, which are the basis for assessing the resources required for an applicant to achieve the required level. The graphs are constructed that are a visual interpretation of the relationship obtained. Four cases are considered that most adequately reflect the ratio of the professional's ca-pabilities and the requirements of the profession. The analysis of applicants' ability to meet the requirements of the chosen profession is done. The results obtained can be used as a basis for analyzing the relationship of the given professional's success in his characteristics improvement and the resources used, the requirements of the profession, and other parameters. On the basis of the results obtained, it is possible to build several related modules of the software which provides automated support for the process of professional selection, as well as early professional guidance.

Authors: I. S. Nikiforov, P. I. Paderno

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: Personal characteristics, competence, change model, assessment of the required resource, professional selec-tion

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