We consider the design and development of software for processing hydroacoustic signals in real time for embedded onboard systems. We consider primary processing, which is characterized by large amounts of incoming information and strict restrictions on the time of solving functional problems, due to the period of updating this information. At the same time, the operating conditions of on-Board systems impose restrictions on the computing tools and their resources used for the software implementation of such processing. In this paper, we propose a formal model that represents systems for primary processing of hydroacoustic signals in real time and a model of a computer system (MVS). These models reflect the features of primary processing tasks and take into account the characteristics of specialized computing tools that significantly affect the efficiency of the SOFTWARE being developed. The display of a formal information processing model on the MVS is described. Removed the dependencies between the model parameters and the processing resources of the MBC. An algorithm for evaluating computing resources for software implementation of a given formal processing model is formulated.
Authors: A. R. Liss, G. Yu. Puerov, E. I. Sergeeva
Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control
Keywords: Multiprocessor systems, digital signal processor (DSP), real-time systems, hydroacoustic information processing, software design, embedded systems, parallel processing, model of computing system
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