This paper is up to detecting keystroke dynamics on the modern mobile devices and computers with web-browsers installed. Theme is based on mass distribution of the Internet in the Russia and in the other world. According to researches, a half of the world population is connected to the Internet. Anyway, this type of the authentication is not described well, it’s also not represented in state standards. We consider possible approaches to solve this problem, possible issues, and also describe a scheme of the prototype. Also we described a full scheme of a tool for user authentication on any devices with a keyboard, neither physical or virtual. In a case of 100 % success of this method, it would be possible to log in without login and password – just after typing a few words.

Authors: E. V. Shklyar, E. G. Vorobyev, M. F. Savelyev

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: Keystroke dynamics, browser, biometry, user authentication, mobile devices

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