The traditional way of processing information received from the sensitive elements with frequency output is direct calculations. This way supposes the conversion of frequency signals into digital form and performing of the necessary mathematical operations. In the article an alternative solution based on the usage of fault-tolerant tracking structures is offered. Such devices perform bit-stream data processing as the each bit element is received. In this case, operations of varying complexity can be reduced to the basis of the increment/decrement operation and operations associated with the change of the data form. With the use of the proposed approach, a device for extracting a square root has been developed. In this article a diagram of the device and the order of its operation are presented. The result of model experiments with the use of VHDL description of this device and CAD Quartus II are shown.

Authors: O. I. Bureneva, O. A. Zhirnova

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: Bit-stream conversions, structural organization of calculations, inverse function, basic elements, process integration, fault tolerance

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