Problems of software quality are highlighted in this article, the main metrics of the program code, which one make possible to monitor the level of quality, and the basic development approaches, which allow manage the quality of software, are represented. Thirteen practical methods which allow to influence quality of the software at various stages of work on the project are allocated: direct and indirect. For them the complex of metrics is offered, allowing to reveal efficiency of each technique in a separate concrete case. The ways of checking the reliability of evaluation indicators are proposed. Among the direct practical methods are the methods performed by the development team and the methods performed by the team of testers. Application of methods at various stages of project development allows to monitor the dynamics of changes in the level of software quality, to make timely changes in the process of its development in order to improve the quality of the final software product.

Authors: A. V. Smirnov

Direction: Informatics, Computer Technologies And Control

Keywords: Software, code metrics, mutation testing, code coverage, unit testing, refactoring, software quality

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